MINI USA Launches Digital Drive-In Movie Guide

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MINI Drive In Movie 1MINI Drive In Movie 1

The unfortunate reality of our current situation, especially here in America, is that the Covid-19 pandemic still exists and social distancing is still very necessary. These are trying times and, after months of being stuck inside, most Americans just want to get out of the house and interact with people again. Something as simple as going to a movie is now not only difficult but dangerous. Unless you’re in your car, however. Drive-in movies have become quite popular due to Covid and MINI USA wants to help you not only find drive-in theaters but enjoy them more.

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To do so, MINI USA has launched a digital guide to help not only MINI customers but all people to find drive-in theaters and experience them this Summer.

“The MINI driver community has always been drawn towards gathering to enjoy spending time together around a common bond or activity,” said Rah Mahtani, Marketing Communications Manager for MINI USA, “The drive-in movie theater is the ideal event for MINI owners – or anyone with a car, because they can get out for a drive to enjoy a common experience with MINI friends and family while taking appropriate social distancing precautions.”

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There are also some advantages to going to a drive-in movie in your MINI. Firstly, there’s the fact that you get to drive your MINI to the theater, which is always fun. Secondly, the interior of a MINI is great for movie-watching; you’re sat in a comfortable seat with ambient interior lighting which can help create a mood and you have a great sound system. Lastly, some MINIs, such as the Countryman, even offer picnic seating on the rear tailgate, giving you some fresh air.

Any information on this digital guide for drive-in movies can be found here: Check it out and go on that date night you’ve been wanting to these last few months.

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