Can YOU Guess WHY Dealers Place These Kind Of Vehicles That They DON’T Sell, Right At The FRONT? The Answer May SURPRISE!

So have you ever driven by a big brand dealer and say see a used BMW place right at the most VISIBLE spot at the dealer? In the PREMIUM spot to feature a car?

Or, a dealer like THIS BMW dealer in SoCal popping a new Vette and Mclaren right up front and wonder WHY there is no used or new BMW in the best spot?

The answer may surprise you.

They’re messing with your mind. Yes, they are trying to send a subliminal message in the hopes you are thinking of what ride to buy, and you think twice about buying their competition.

Digging deeper into the psyche out they also hope you think dang, WHY did someone trade that new Vette in SO fast? MAYBE, its NOT as good as everyone is saying. Or if you’re a buyer of their main brands you’ll think hmmm, someone took a chance and they regretted it and came right back to the SAFE choice, the former ULTIMATE driving machine.

Ahh, friends, the GAMES people play. This is why we always say, SPY BEFORE you BUY!